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Sound of Paradise starting up
1 replies

Nothing ever has been made that was as good as this system - it was Computing Paradise of Sanity! Stability, no ads, no spyware no graphical bullshit.

Tue Jul 09 2024 13:35:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
0:17 / 4:17 America's Marines Singing "Days of Elijah"
0 replies

Tue Jul 09 2024 13:32:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Where you silent?
0 replies

Tue Jul 09 2024 13:27:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Commodore 64 song
0 replies

The days of Commodore 64

- Darkijah

Tue Jul 09 2024 13:26:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Long lost days of Sanity
0 replies

I love my computer
For all you give to me
Predictable errors and no identity


- Darkijah

Tue Jul 09 2024 13:24:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
0 replies

│ Dr. Mona's Psychiatric Evaluation Firm │

 ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
( [+]-[+] < I think you are the most mentally-sane on the
(   ) │site, Mister Music Man! I don't even know why
│ │ │ │you made an appointment with me! *SnOrT!*
(__)__) \______________________

Mon Jul 08 2024 11:12:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Selection by RoBu -- Goji Tsuno: theme of "Door"
0 replies

Goji Tsuno: theme of "Door"

Like Kira's contemporaneous motifs for "Evil Dead Trap," this funkily percussive theme composed and sequenced by future anime scorer Tsuno for one of Banmei Takahashi's many genre pictures (following his prolific run of Roman pornos) is remarkably infectious, as likely as not to tapped, hummed, and whistled. I like it!

Sat Jul 06 2024 04:34:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Selection by RoBu -- Tomohiko Kira: score of "Evil Dead Trap"
0 replies

Tomohiko Kira: score of "Evil Dead Trap"

Just try to get THIS one out of your head after you've listened to it for a minute! ZABADAK's guitarist programmed repetitively, unforgettably catchy themes for this gory horror packed with pornstars and some surrealist moments -- director Toshiharu Ikeda curiously anticipated many conceits later popularized by established auteurs like Ishii, Kurosawa, Miike, etc.

Sat Jul 06 2024 04:33:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
0 replies

yo no way this board is still active?!

Wed Jul 03 2024 14:54:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Just a game got found
0 replies

very poggers

Sun Jun 30 2024 20:41:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Selection by RoBu -- Mariano Delgado & Juan Lavado: "Falsetas por bulerias"
0 replies

Mariano Delgado & Juan Lavado: "Falsetas por bulerias"

This is nice for an afternoon.

Thu Jun 27 2024 22:11:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
always being connected in a digital utopia (chip post)
0 replies

Hey guys, Chip here. I recently discovered an album that I relate a lot to.

It's called DIGITAL UTOPIA by milkypossum. In the description of any song from the album on youtube, its written that it's an album that questions escapism and how much of the future is truly viable.

This album is usually related to people who were alive in the 2000's. Sadly, I was sperm back then, and I was born in 2010. Still, however, I relate to the album as a whole.

The sometimes-loud jungle music mixed with chill-wii type stuff makes it a nostalgiafest for anyone. I did use the Wii as a kid, so the entire album is nostalgic. However, that's not why I'm talking about the album. I'm talking about it because my personal connection with the internet.

I use the internet as a form of escapism, as many people do. However, it's gotten really bad that going outside and dealing with people becomes scary. I feel like the outside world isn't safe for me, even though there's nothing to harm me. I feel like I'm in control while on the internet, even if I can't really control what happens.

The whole album has touched me, because I myself am always connected, and the internet feels like my home. However, I'm starting to question my connection. I think I should be able to interact with the world too, even if I'm scared of it. That's what this album, and the people who are worried about me, really revealed to me.

Signing off,

Thu Jun 27 2024 21:30:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Selection by RoBu -- Steely Dan: "My Old School" live on The Midnight Special, 1973.8.31
0 replies

Steely Dan: "My Old School" live on The Midnight Special, 1973.8.31

Before retiring prematurely from live performance during their first decade, the Dan never shone so brightly via telecast as when belting out this uptempo, energized, live rendition of "Countdown to Ecstasy's" second single, shorn of its studio brass and cowbell -- a rock song complicated by second-guessed flourishes and stingingly splendiferous guitar solos perfectly picked by Jeff Baxter.

No few late Boomers and early Xers assumed that this was one of several rock songs treating of a formative verity (school SUCKS A FAT COCK) in the vein of A. Cooper's "School's Out." In actuality, it's about how Donald Fagen was busted in 1969 for dealing drugs while attending Bard College, shaved by the local cops, and crucified by an assistant district attorney (none other than G. Gordon Liddy!).

Incidentally he DID go back in '85 when conferred with an honorary Doctor of Arts degree.

Fri Jun 21 2024 06:36:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Selection by RoBu -- Ryoji Ikeda: "ultratronics" live
0 replies

Selection by RoBu -- Ryoji Ikeda: "ultratronics" live (so far)

Ryoji Ikeda: "ultratronics" live

Fuji Rock Festival 2023 @ Naeba Ski Resort in Yuzawa, Niigata, 2023.07.28:

Bartok Festival @ House of Music in Budapest, 2024.04.06:

Sun Jun 16 2024 16:11:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
0 replies

this shit is so gay but it sounds very good so i don't care

Sat Jun 15 2024 20:25:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
MusicGuy Acceptance Speech
1 replies

My fellow Boardians,

Today, I accept the will of the people, the greatest privilege that may be bestowed upon a regular contributor of Boards, that of President of Boards.

Victories are only as cherished as the magnitude of your competition. And the competition was great and formidable. They were honorable. They were distinguished. I feel privileged with them being my competition. I hope that each and every one of them continues to contribute meaningfully to this board.

Today is not a day of mourning that your candidate did not succeed; Today is a celebration. Today is a demonstration that democracy remains strong and that our citizens value and hold dear the sacred ritual of the peaceful transfer of authority. While although I may now be your president, it is the rule of law and the ideals of democracy that reigns supreme throughout our message board, both now and forever.

Democracy is not automatic; It can never be taken for granted. Democracy must constantly be fought for and defended by every one of us. People throughout the world living in oppression, whether it be autocracies or dictatorships, illiberal democracies or plutocracies, look up to places such as Boards as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Democracy works, real democracy, when we all work together towards the goals and ideals that our forefathers envisioned when they set sail so many centuries ago across the Atlantic ocean. They faced an uncertain future. They faced unknown challenges. They faced incalcuable odds and hardships. Their survival was hardly certain.

Yet those pioneers understood that what they left behind was far more perilous than what they faced in front of them.

Today, our Boardians are no different than those brave pioneers so many years ago.

The Information Superhighway of today has many great treasures, holds much greater potential than before but the pitfalls and obstacles are equally as dangerous. Imageboards open and close without notice. Discord rooms are fraught with immature and unfocused discussions. Jannies disperse their form of moderation with consistent inconsistency.

Our struggle is to demonstrate that we are the Final Solution for the Internet's problems, a Triumph of the Will of the people to overcome what holds the Internet back. Our Work shall Set the Internet Free from its challenges and its obstacles.

My fellow Boardians, you have placed upon me a great and humbling title and all that I can do in return is to give to you my eternal gratitude.

I leave you now with Gabriel Yared's rejected score for the movie "Troy," a bold and daring soundtrack that transcends its material and shall inspire for years to come.

God Bless Boards and may God protect our troops. Thank you.

Sat Jun 15 2024 19:10:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Selection by RoBu -- Ravel: "Gaspard de la nuit" performed by Martha Argerich
0 replies

Ravel: "Gaspard de la nuit" performed by Martha Argerich

This interpretation is similar to that of Argerich's sublime recording for Deutsche Grammophon issued on 1967.10.31, but it's exclusive to this performance prerecorded for some continental telecast or other in the early to mid-'70s. If anybody's familiar with these videos' provenance, feel free to apprise me, because I haven't a clue.


"Le Gibet"


Sat Jun 15 2024 18:15:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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Sun Jun 09 2024 21:41:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Vote for Me - MusicGuy!
0 replies

I nominate myself for the office of President of Boards.

Under my leadership, I shall continue to make long-winded articles about music from a variety of genres.

Being an Official Old Person (at least, when compared to the rest of you), I shall smother my constituents with never-ending "Back-In-My-Day"s, "They Don't Make Them Like They Used To"s and "When I was Your Age"s.

By being an Official Old Person, I shall make my constituents feel better about themselves. I shall make them gloat that they are younger, healthier, more tech-savvy & socially-relevant than I shall ever be.

I'll ask embarrassing questions that they shall easily be able to answer, such as "Who is this Taylor Swift that you keep talking about? Is she sort of like a Cyndi Lauper?" and "Can you help me get Netscape Navigator to work on my flip phone?"

I shall leave my constituents alone, especially at night, because I will go to bed promptly at 8 PM local time and get up at around 3 AM because, quite honestly, everyone else ought to do that as well so you can get a healthy headstart to your day before the sun rises.

I leave you now with the official theme song of presidential candidate Michael Dukakis' 1988 campaign, Neil Diamond's "Coming to America."

May God bless Boards and may God protect our troops. Thank you, Boards!

Thu Jun 06 2024 23:34:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
0 replies


Good read!

Thought it said "Semen Brothers" at first, though. ( ;´д`)

Sat May 18 2024 06:23:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)