Running "dingleboard 1.5.0 (Production)". Version info fetched from package.json
Welcome to the Boards messageboard!
"install templeos"
Bulletin boards:
Wolfgang A. Mozart's favorite!
Neocities to Minecraft to NeoCities
The local dumpster.
Updates and annoucements:
Quentin is a Faggot Feat. Lil' Shit (QUENTIN DISS TRACK) by Jax

quentin is a faggot
no better than a maggot
his ass stinks like cheese
i bet he eats deez
nuts taste better
than his mommas pussy
id know... because i aint no wussy

I'm gay and retarded by Lil Durk

I'm gay and retarded

I'm gay and retarded by Lil Durk

I'm gay and retarded

Jax respone by Quentin

Im not retarded Im like Albert Einstein but Way smarter and A Young gay thug chasing Dreams.

Dumbass newjannies by Jax

Why are Quentin & Tidal retarded>>>

I am on boards. by Adolf Hitler

Hey buds Im actually Hitler.

Yo by Im a new admin in graybox

My name is quentin and Im here to stay and Im a moderator For graybox services.

1/20/25 by Jax

Boards' first birthday!!!! Yayyyy!!!!!!!! オマエモナ!!!!!!

HI by Tidal

Hi Friends I'm Admin

test by test


lol by Jax


Shut UP!! by Jax

If you NEWFAGS can't tolerate some fake CP posts every once in a while, boards should be your border between the "comfy" internet and everything else. Don't go further if some nasty text attached to some shady links bother you THAT much, and be PATIENT! shit will get deleted wether or not you spam about it LOL

bo reds by jax

biards noards vordxs vbotds bord boseds go visit

hrmmm by Jax

Probably gonna roll out a new update to this site soon! Stay tuned or whateva

The 'kki by Jax

felt the need to mention this: just bcuz piki is around dosen't mean ill abandon boards! i love this site with all muh heart, but its leik the older child now... until piki is able to walk on its own, i shall be putting a bit more attention to that site! piki is for teh normiez, boards is for the monabased chuds!

ピキ日記 by Jax


adding onto the previous thing by Jax

you can bypass cloudflare by using the real domain, i just enabled it on the mirror because it seems someone was trying to DDOS it lmao by Jax

sniped čudan's domain... is now a valid mirror domain! trust me, this site is way better :P

/Spam/ by Jax

I now declare /Spam/ OFFICIALLY the inegroed board! It is his board, under his jurisdiction! Nothing shall be deleted unless he says so...

To Mr. "Bridgeanon" (Is that what they call you now?) by Jax

I logged into your IRC, and I sent you an E-Mail. I mean no offense to you homie... trust!!

So many Canadians? by Jax

HUGE influx in the amount of Canadian posters. Almost every IP is different and legit (not VPNed). Very weird, but I'm not complaining!

The Janitor Takeover by Jax

Mr. Demos is now a janitor! There's like 5 mods at this point...

Three new themes! by Jax

Exactly what the title says... but one of them is hiding something!


It's the 2channel theme. I added actual backgrounds.

Please stop shilling on my behalf by Jax

Please stop spamming links to Boards on sites who have very different cultures. We all know who I'm talking about :P

Shilling is myyyy joooobbb!

Cleaning Up by Jax

Currently working on cleaning up some of the older pages, as it seems the Janitors only focus on page 1. Many posts will be moved to /Spam/, unless they provide absolutely nothing, in which case they shall be deleted.

Bwaaaaaaaaahhh by Jax

E-Mail me more banners, I beg!! Also E-Mail me features you'd like to see be added! If you do, I shall give you a fat smooch and five MILLION dollars!

k toodles,

1.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Jax

We are half way to Boards: The Sequel! For this update, I added post nomination. Janitors can select posts that they think were cool enough to deserve a spot on their own special page. Some may call it "Post Segregation", but I call it a cool feature..! I swear if one of you hoes E-Mail me about "Mona Parks", I'm gonna flip ( `д´)

NeoCities? by Jax

Changed the Minecraft board back to NeoCities! Poor thing can't decide what it wants to be..!

New janjan by Jax

Oh yeah forgot to mention this but Alia is a janitor now!

Woah! (8/21/24) by Jax

Today we peaked at 9 users online at the same time! So cool! The amount of good posts has also had a huge increase! is this the 5th era of Boards? have we exited the "Dark Ages"?

theres a lot less ASCII Art around though, how sad :c

Update 1.4.9! by Jax

Cursor Chat + Click Animations added! Press / to open the chat, and Enter to close it!

1.4.8(D) Update! by Jax

Navigation is now draggable, plus you can use the little arrows to jump to the top/bottom of the page. I updated cursor handling, now they turn slightly transparent when inactive and all active cursors render in a page without having to receive a server update.

P.S: The cursor join sound is from the old Tofu Game project LOL

Multiplayer Cursors Pt. 3 by Jax

Going to attempt to re-implement the multiplayer cursors from 1.3 and some other goodies. This shall be the next big release. dingleboard 1.4.7 shall release SOON!

Heyurians by Jax

I love checking out the backlinks from time to time, today I found this :P

New Janny by Jax

This guy is so hekkin' monabased. He will be replacing the previous mildly annoying hoe who kept deleting anything that wasn't a qualitypost in his eyes. (I DECIDE WHAT IS AND ISNT A QUALITYPOST! smh)

Everyone welcome Pingas! (This bum really couldn't come up with a better name for me to use in this announcement)

ok baibai,
Jax ♡

We Won! by Jax

Boards is OFFICIALLY the (*second, probably) largest English-language textboard currently active, with an average of 3k visitors a day, and 30 unique posters per week (based off IPs)

*I say second because seems quite a bit more active, but they haven't published any statistics to compare to, so it could just be 3 Admins circle-jerking for all I know.

To Janitors Pt.2 by Jax

'Twas fixed, hoes

To Janitors by Jax

Janitor login is non-functional right now as I'm doing some maintenance. Shall be back up soon!

Janitor Privileges by Jax

Since you faggots (We all know which one specific person I'm talking about) can't seem to use the announcement system or the post verification PROPERLY, I'll be swapping out the privileges for those features to admin only.

by Jax

Holy fiddlesticks... y'all have been quiet lately! I guess I really have to go back to putting in some effort in keeping this site alive. I shall attempt to readjust my sleep schedule back to normal so I can keep interneting. (I've been sleeping at 10am and waking up around 9pm...)

omah ey moan ar by Jax

No longer as burnt out. As always, I'm gonna go back to shilling, although this site ranks so high up on the 'engines and allchans I don't think it's even needed anymore. I shall try to breath some more life back into this site using my amazing Magical Mona Magic™.

I love you all!!


ballot here

Elections Pt. 2 by Jax

Okay, I think the Boards Presidential Elections are going to happen TONIGHT! Be hyped...

boards won by boards won

boards won

Presidential Elections! by Jax

I feel like hosting some sort of election, so I guess I'm hosting one now... Make people trust you enough and they'll vote for you (I shall create a Google form containing all the candidates that appear.) Theres nothing you need to do to become a candidate, just try to gain enough loyalty and make yourself visible enough to appear in the final ballot.

mwah mwah love you all,
Jax ♡

tummy hurt by Jax

Do you guys even read these anymore?

Poop by Jax

Erm, what the sigma? Erm, what the sigma? Erm, what the sigma? Erm, what the sigma? Erm, what the sigma?

Mwah! by Nyehehe

I loooooveee you Vil!!!! I was kicking my feet in the air while I wrote about you in my super_secret_blog.html file!!! Even though no one will ever see said file, I still took the time to decorate it!!

please fall in love with me,
NOT Jax ♡

Come back! by Jax

I miss you, Musicguy!

Growth? by Jax

I remember when I got really excited when I first hit 2k unique visitors, that was over 4 months ago. Now I'm getting 8k visitors A MONTH (And I own a decently active MC server)! Crazy how my silly winter-break side project turned into something so big... I'd like to thank you all for sticking around and giving me your support! Love ya' guys! ^___^

There shall be more to come...


Minecraft by Jax

Minecraft server is up! Cracked clients are allowed. Use PollyMC (Linux Compatible)!
Version: 12.2

Spoilers Part 2: Electric Boogaloo by Jax

Changed spoiler syntax again. It's %% instead of % now. Did this cause posts with multiple percentages were getting messed up

Eyesore? by Jax

Eyesore theme is less eyesore-y now!

Ugh by Jax

Changed spoiler syntax from | to % since ASCII art uses a lot of pipe characters. Went through the DB fixing the formatting for y'all's convenience.

Version 1.4.4 (W.I.P!) by Jax

Playing around with some new features, that's why 1.4.4 is in beta right now. To start, I added textarea scaling and made it use the default font. Now AA easier to view while making a post. I also added spoiler text, simply add | around a piece of text!

Fanart by Jax

Thank you for the amazing, profound, and thought-provoking fanart, Mr. or Ms. Aenenanae.

War by Jax

Love, not war!!

Please don't kill us, Gikopoi

... by Anonymous Janitor

#boards on rizon.

PI by Anonymous Janitor

happy PI day, guys!

IRC by Jax

IRC is down...

STOP by Jax



IRC by Jax

Hosting an IRC server on, port 6667. No SSL... (yet!)

Frens by Jax

I cross-linked with Gikopoi ^___^ Made a button 4 them since links r BOOOORINGGG

Database RECOVERED! by Jax

Last night, the database provider I was using unexpectedly terminated my account. I managed to salvage a backup from a couple of days ago and manually retrieved the remaining data by copying and pasting directly from the site, which was somehow still logged into the database! While there may be some missing posts and potential mistakes in metadata like location or date, the data that I did get back is good enough. :P

very funny by Vil

Jax seems to have added a new INCREDIBLY FUNNY captcha! I don't know how long it will be in use for but you should check it out if you haven't already!

Ads by Jax

Added a single footer advertisement on the Index. Don't worry, I'm not using Google AdSense or whatever... Your data is safe!

Test by Jax

This is a test of the new announcement creation system! Since Janitors also have access to this new feature, I added names too!

New Janitors!! by Jax

New Janitors?! Welcome them and be nice!
iNegroed (you and me both know it isn't "negroed")
Octo (the slovakian dude)

Server Stats by Jax

Here are some server statistics cause why not!

As of 3/1/2024

Threads & Replies: 867 (272 KiB)
Days On-Line: 43
Unique Visitors: 6,780
Cached Content: ~5.08 KiB
Total Server Requests: ~93.01 KiB
Server Attacks Blocked: 22
Carbon Emissions: 0.05kg

Multiplayer Cursors Part 2 by Jax

Multiplayer Cursors now work over HTTPS... and only over HTTPS. Chrome is being an asshole and is not accepting my SSL certificate, so use another browser until it does. Fear not, those who refuse to use HTTPS... I'll probably re-implement the HTTP version of the WebSocket at some point!

Edit: It works on Chrome now :P

Beta Feature! by Jax

I'm working on live multiplayer cursors! This feature is currently in beta and the only way to access it is to use the unencrypted HTTP version of the site. Side note: Most early-access updates will likely be accessible via HTTP before becoming available through HTTPS.

View All Banners by Jax

Added a "View All Banners" link under the banners. Don't steal em!

First Donation!!! by Jax

Thank you to Salty for donating $5 whole dollaroonies!! That covers the months server cost!! Now for the domain...

Banners by Jax

At this point, instead of doing banner votes, I'll just be accepting any banners sent to me via E-Mail (unless it sucks lol)

1.3.1 (Again) by Jax

Added [Random] to the navigation menu. It takes you to a random thread, obviously.

Version 1.3.1 by Jax

Made the navigation a modular component. Added links to a store page and donation page!

About the banner vote. by Jax

I'm not seeing as much hype around the new banner vote, so I'm just going to add all of the banners that people submitted to me. If you guys feel like there *should* be a banner vote again, tell me!
The people who submitted banners and didn't ask to stay anonymous were:
Dragon-Lord Ballsazhar

Thank you to everyone who submitted a banner; you lucked out this time.

Version 1.3! by Jax

Added themes, pagination and JavaScript fallback messages. Site only uses three scripts, two for themes, and one for CAPTCHAs. The original color scheme has been named "kuromomo," derived from the Japanese words "kuro," meaning black, and "momo," meaning purple! If you make any of your own themes, or have any feedback about the site and it's features, send me an E-Mail!


Lists by Jax

Boards is now listed on two of the biggest BBS directories on the web! It was first added to AllChans and then the IPTIA BBS Directory. Pretty cool! :P

Carbon Footprint by Jax

Boards generates a little under 0.02kg of CO2 per site visit! We've only generated about 0.3kg (Adjusted for natural absorption) of CO2 in the site's lifespan!

Weed. by Jax

We hit 4.20k unique visitors lel

Banner Voting! by Jax

Voting is now open!! Go vote for your favorites. (Though don't vote for yourself!)

Thank you all who submitted a banner! :D

Man Down! by Jax

Boards went offline for 12 hours because of the previous hosting provider shutting down all of their services in the middle of the night (WITHOUT NOTICE?!)... I migrated to a new host which is costing me more (About $4 a month) :c

Site time zone has changed as the new host doesn't default to global time. Will fix later. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Google by Jax

Boards is the TOP RESULT on Google for the search "boards graybox", among other search terms!! Looks like all that SEO paid off!!

Hashtags by Jax

I made it so lines starting with a hashtag are rendered with a darker text color! I did this because everyone kept using hashtags to write greentext-like stories and I thought it would fit lel

Mini-Update by Jax

I made the reply count display under a thread's title instead of as a tooltip. This is purely for convenience! I thank the poster who made /thread/1155 for making me realize that the tooltip isn't too obvious lel


Boards has finally hit 2k unique visitors! Thank you all for your support!! Very surprised by all the attention this stupid little side-project of mine is getting. Textboards aren't popular in English-speaking countries at all, and haven't been relevant in Japan for years! Anyways, love you guys!


MERCH?! by Jax

Do you want to be popular and famous? Buy an ORIGINAL GrayBox Boards™ T-Shirt featuring everyone's favorite Kaomoji, Mona!

Photos by Jax

I made a page on Neocities showcasing photos of Boards ads in the wild! Feel free to E-Mail me so I can add your own little piece of GrayBox-romanticizing vandalism to the list!

Three Amigos! by Jax

Everyone welcome our first 3 Janitors!
They're gonna be lurking the boards deleting anything that they see as unfit, unnecessary, or dangerous. If your thread randomly gets deleted and you think it was unfair, it's probably their fault lol. E-Mail me if you have any questions for them and I'll relay it onto them!

Update! by Jax

You can now see the amount of replies a thread has by hovering your cursor above a thread's title. I also finally added an admin login, which allows me to more easily delete threads and view IPs. Ill be trying to implement the thread deletion feature for regular users, too! Maybe check the current IP against the thread's IP... hrmmmm...

Captcha by Jax

Captcha is now way easier (And generates faster!)

New Index Page! by Jax

Moved some stuff around! Index page is now responsive, and updates/announcements are editable through the Database. Will be moving all old announcements to here!

Site Stats:
Threads/Replies: 4872
Days Online: 397
RAM Usage: 80.40%
Days since reboot: 2

Advertise with Anonymous Ads
Internet Neighbors:
Gikopoi 88x31 button
Community Link Button
Use the buttton and link to our community, maybe?

A site by / E-Mail me at [email protected]
Boards mascot Boards-chan